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AppleAuth.NET library simplifying “Sign in with Apple”

Our team has been using their remote work mode over productively. In the past few weeks, they have worked on solving .NET developers the headaches of implementing ‘Sign in with Apple’. We just released the open-source AppleAuth .NET library to enable quick and flawless native user authentication, and we will soon do so for Java as well!

The library empowers you to spend time on more critical tasks by providing just a few lines of code that retrieve the much-wanted Apple authorization token. ‘Sign in with Apple’ stands not only as an alternative but is now also required for all apps that use the common third-party Google and social login. It gives the user the option not to share personal details and app usage data with the aforementioned. Thus, the preference that most users would have for it, makes for yet another reason to try AppleAuth .NET!

Read our step-by step guide on .NETifying Sign in with Apple, using AppleAuth. We’ve always encouraged an open community so do explore the source code on GitHub and add your contributions. We’d love to have your feedback and support – share this on social media with #SignInWithApple and #AppleAuthDotNet!

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