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AI in Finance: Advantages, Use Cases, and Challenges

The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Finance has been gaining momentum in recent years. With the ability to process large amounts of data and make predictions, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way financial institutions operate and make decisions. In this article, we will explore the key benefits of AI for the finance sector and the most innovative use cases. Furthermore, we will go through the main challenges of implementing AI in the finance sector and how to address them.

Benefits of AI in Finance

Ai is bringing about a number of benefits for the finance sector. From automation of routine tasks to improved risk management, AI can help financial institutions to operate more efficiently and effectively. These are some of the main advantages of using AI in financial software development.

Reduce costs

One of the biggest benefits of AI in Finance is cost savings. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as data entry and analysis, AI systems can help financial institutions reduce employment costs and improve efficiency. This is important as finance organizations are under growing pressure to increase shareholder value. According to Business Insider, the potential cost savings for banks from AI applications is estimated at $447 billion by 2023.

Improve efficiency

AI systems allow financial institutions to improve efficiency by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as data entry and analysis. It helps identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in financial processes, and recommend ways to improve them, which can lead to faster and more efficient processes. Therefore, the team can focus on more high-value projects with out-of-the-box functionalities. A recent survey by the Economist states that 85% of IT executives in banking have a strategy for adopting AI in the development of new products and services.

Leverage customer service

AI systems can help financial institutions to improve customer service by providing personalized financial advice and assistance. Furthermore, they can be used to improve the customer experience by automating customer service tasks, such as answering common questions, providing account information, and processing transactions. This is essential as customers are becoming increasingly demanding, and finance organizations are facing bigger competition from fintech companies which offer more personalized services.

Manage risk

AI systems enable financial institutions to detect and prevent fraud by analyzing large amounts of data and identifying patterns and anomalies. Therefore, finance organizations can make better-informed decisions and take proactive measures to mitigate risks. For instance, AI-driven fraud detection systems can help financial institutions to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions, which reduce losses and protect customers’ personal information.

According to McKinsey, financial companies should prioritize adopting AI technologies throughout their operations in order to stay competitive in the digital banking market. This would involve creating a comprehensive plan for incorporating AI.

Innovative Use Cases of AI in Finance

AI has been rapidly advancing in recent years, and its applications in the finance sector are no exception. From fintech companies to traditional banks and financial services, AI is being used to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and provide better service to customers. Now, let’s look at how financial companies are making use of AI.

Financial Robo-Advisory

Robo-advisory services use AI algorithms to provide financial advice and create personalized venture capital portfolios. This can help investors to achieve better returns on their investments and make more informed decisions. Robo-advisory services can also help democratize funding opportunities and make them more accessible to a wider range of investors.

One example of a world-known finance company using robo-advisory is Vanguard. The company offers a service called Vanguard Digital Advisor, which uses computer algorithms to create and manage investment portfolios for its clients. The service includes features such as automated portfolio rebalancing and tax-loss harvesting.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics uses data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data. In fintech, this can be used to predict things like credit risk, fraud, and market trends. Predictive analytics can also be used to identify potential opportunities for investments, such as identifying companies that are likely to perform well in the future.

A great example of using predictive analytics is Accedia’s project with a leading French international bank. Our team implemented an ML algorithm that creates models for direct marketing campaigns, based on past transaction data, images, and customer lists. This algorithm assesses the probability of subscription renewals and identifies tailored offerings to key clients. This approach not only helps to increase customer retention but also increases the revenue of the bank.

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Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are being used by companies to help customers with their queries and transactions. These systems can understand natural language and provide customers with personalized assistance. They can also learn from customer interactions and improve over time.

For example, JPMorgan Chase has implemented an AI-powered virtual assistant called COiN, which is able to review and interpret commercial loan agreements, saving time and increasing efficiency. Additionally, Capital One has developed a virtual assistant called Eno, which uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to understand and respond to customer inquiries. Customers can use Eno to check their account balances, pay bills, and perform other banking tasks. Eno’s AI-powered capabilities also help to improve the customer experience by providing quick and accurate responses to customer queries.

Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic trading uses AI algorithms to analyze market data and make trades based on predefined rules. This enables traders to make more informed decisions and achieve better returns on their investments. AI-based algorithmic trading systems can also help traders to identify patterns and anomalies in the market, allowing them to make trades more quickly and efficiently.

Goldman Sachs is one of the world’s leading investment banks and has been at the forefront of utilizing AI in algorithmic trading. The bank has developed an AI-based trading system called GSET which uses machine learning algorithms to analyze market data, identify patterns and trends and make trades automatically. The system is capable of analyzing a large amount of data, including news and social media, which allows it to make trades faster and more accurately than traditional trading systems.

Fraud Detection

AI-based fraud detection systems can help financial institutions to detect and prevent fraud by analyzing large amounts of data and identifying patterns and anomalies. Revolut, a fintech company that provides banking services, is using AI-based predictive analytics to identify potential fraud and to make better-informed decisions.

Another example of a world-known finance organization using AI for fraud detection is Mastercard. They implemented an AI-based system called Decision Intelligence which uses machine learning algorithms to analyze transaction data and identify patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity. The system is able to analyze a large amount of data in real-time, including data from multiple sources such as merchants, financial institutions, and other partners. This allows Mastercard to detect fraudulent activity quickly and accurately, reducing the risk of financial losses.

Risk Management

AI-based risk management systems can help financial institutions to better manage their exposure to risk. By analyzing large amounts of data, these systems can identify potential risks and help financial institutions to make more informed decisions.

In our project with the French bank, we mentioned above, the key differentiator was the deployment within existing infrastructure, which provided the bank with full control over sensitive data and achieved a high level of integration with the current technology landscape. This approach ensures that the bank was able to maintain its data and keep it secure, while also ensuring that the AI technology was fully integrated with the bank’s existing systems.

Credit Scoring

Credit scoring is the process of evaluating the creditworthiness of a borrower. AI-based credit scoring systems can help financial institutions to make more accurate credit decisions by analyzing large amounts of data and identifying patterns and trends.

Accedia has also had experience in integrating AI for a leading retail finance services company. The goal of the project was to determine creditworthiness and attract retainable applicants while maintaining a profitable portfolio. The solution utilized advanced predictive regression and classification machine learning models, which process over 30,000 credit applications daily. These models analyze a wide range of data, including financial transactions, credit history, and demographic information, to predict the likelihood of a credit applicant defaulting on their loans. This allows the retail finance company to identify high-risk applicants and make more informed lending decisions. Moreover, AI concepts were combined with business rules to provide customer scoring at scale for both off- and online interactions. The holistic approach has reduced customer churn rate by 80% in the first year alone.

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Challenges of Implementing AI in Finance

AI brings numerous benefits to the finance industry but implementing AI systems also comes with its own set of challenges. Some of them include data quality and privacy, regulation and compliance, cost, scalability, ethics and transparency.

Data Quality and Privacy

One of the biggest challenges of implementing AI in the finance sector is ensuring the quality and privacy of data. Financial institutions need to ensure that the data they use to train their AI models is accurate and unbiased. Additionally, this data needs to be protected in order for the customers’ privacy not to be compromised.

Possible ways to address this challenge include:

  • Implementing robust data governance policies and procedures to ensure the quality and accuracy of data.
  • Using data anonymization techniques to protect customers’ privacy.
  • Conducting regular audits and assessments to ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.
Regulation and Compliance

Financial institutions need to ensure that their AI-based systems comply with regulations and industry standards. This can be a challenge, particularly as they are constantly evolving.

То address this challenge, consider:

  • Keeping up to date with the latest regulations and industry standards.
  • Implementing robust compliance management systems.
  • Conducting regular audits and assessments.
Cost and Scalability

Implementing AI-based systems can be costly, and financial institutions need to ensure that they have the resources to implement and maintain these systems. Additionally, financial institutions need to ensure that their AI-based systems can scale to meet the needs of their customers and the industry.

Here are few ways to approach this challenge:

  • Investing in cloud-based AI platforms to reduce costs and improve scalability.
  • Partnering with external AI team to save costs of implementation and maintenance.
  • Implementing cost-effective AI solutions, such as open-source AI platforms.

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Ethics and Transparency

AI-based systems can generate bias and it can be difficult to explain their decision-making process. Financial institutions need to ensure that their AI-based systems are transparent and that they are designed to minimize bias.

Possible ways to address this challenge include:

  • Incorporating ethical principles and guidelines into the design and development of AI systems.
  • Implementing explainable AI (XAI) solutions that can provide transparency into the decision-making process of AI systems.
  • Regularly monitoring and testing AI systems to ensure that they are working as intended and to detect and address any biases.
Lack of Talent and Expertise

Implementing AI in the finance sector requires a certain level of technical expertise and knowledge of AI technologies. This can be a challenge for financial institutions that lack the necessary talent and expertise to implement and maintain AI systems.

Possible ways to address this challenge include:

  • Investing in training and development programs for employees to build the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Hiring outside AI experts or AI development and consulting services partner to help with the implementation and maintenance of AI systems.
  • Collaborating with academic institutions and research centers to access the latest AI technologies and research.

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Integration with legacy systems

Many financial institutions have legacy systems and infrastructure that are not compatible with new AI technologies. Integrating AI systems with legacy systems can be challenging and requires a significant investment in time and resources.

Possible ways to address this challenge include:

  • Incorporating legacy systems into the design and development of AI systems to ensure compatibility.
  • Using middleware and integration platforms to connect AI systems with legacy systems.
  • Gradually replacing legacy systems with new AI-powered systems over time.
Ensuring Security

AI systems in the finance sector handle sensitive data and financial transactions, making them a target for cyberattacks. Ensuring the security of AI systems is essential to protect the data and financial transactions of customers.

Possible ways to address this challenge include:

  • Implementing robust security measures such as encryption and authentication to protect data and transactions.
  • Regularly monitoring and testing AI systems for vulnerabilities and potential security risks.
  • Implementing incident response and disaster recovery plans to minimize the impact of any security breaches.

Looking forward  

The future of AI in finance is bright and holds a lot of potential for revolutionizing the industry. AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision are being integrated into various financial processes, from risk management and fraud detection to investment management and financial forecasting. As AI continues to improve, it is expected to bring increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved decision-making to the finance industry, while also creating new opportunities for growth and innovation. However, it will also raise ethical and regulatory challenges, requiring the development of ethical AI practices and guidelines to ensure responsible deployment and use of these technologies.

Learn more about Accedia’s AI Capaility Center and our experience in developing custom AI models and solutions.

Violeta is a Digital Marketing Manager in Accedia, promoting the value of working with a technology partner. Social Media savvy, passionate about writing and traveling.


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