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Among the top 25 software development companies


top software development companies
top software development companies
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Accedia was recently featured in DesignRush’s list of 25 global software companies that deliver high-quality services, increase project productivity and give their clients competitive edge. The ranking was covered by business news websites like Business Insider and Yahoo Finance.

Being among the top-rated companies, Accedia is acknowledged as a technology partner that helps its customers with their transformation and growth. Combining technology expertise, industry know-how and effective project management, we successfully implement software innovations, enable clients to efficiently address business challenges and allow them to scale their organizations over time. 

"Top-rated software development companies can create a streamlined project timeline, include the features you need for success, use the latest automation tools, and ultimately build software that will grow your brand," states DesignRush Founder and Executive Director, Gabriel Shaoolian. We are proud to be part of such list as this proves our formula for project success is accurate – the company constantly facilitates open communication with clients, requests feedback to accommodate new needs and requirements, promotes transparency and provides flexibility in work processes.

About DesignRush

DesignRush, a New-York-based agency directory and ranking site, assists companies in finding the best professional full-service agencies, web design, digital marketing & technology firms. A few months ago, Accedia was classified as a top company in the Custom Software Development category on DesignRush’s website.