Accedia Masters
The only chess tournament for people in IT
What is Accedia Masters?
Accedia Masters is an open chess championship for specialists working in IT. The series of chess events started in 2021 as an idea by Georgi Peltekov, Engineering Director at Accedia. The goal is to create an environment for specialists from different software development backgrounds to show and test their chess knowledge and skills. More than 3 years and 10 tournaments later, Accedia Masters has become one of the most loved sport initiatives among IT people in Bulgaria.
I knew lots of IT people, me including, who loved playing chess and I realized there's so much in common between the logical thinking we need to apply in our daily jobs and the game. I am super happy with the success of the tournament and I know the team is motivated to become better and to exceed our players’ expectations with each consequent event!
This tournament is a proof that joint efforts always lead to a good result. Nowadays, the connection that has already been established between the IT sector and the chess, provides a good opportunity both for popularization of this sport and for its modernization through innovations in the IT sphere.
Аccedia Masters in the Media
Ясни са резултатите от шахматния турнир Accedia Masters IT пролет 2024
Accedia Masters създава повече възможности за развитие на шах таланти
Георги Пелтеков за партиите между шаха и програмирането в Accedia Masters
Новият български гросмайстор, излъчен от турнира Accedia Masters Classic
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