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Changing Software Development Partners in 2024: 7 Success Steps

  • By

    Tereza Denkova


a piece of puzzle that has "change" written on it

Software development partners play a crucial role in the success of any project. They are responsible for creating and maintaining the software that runs your business, and their skills and expertise can make or break your project. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to change them. In this blogpost, we will share common reasons why your company might need to look for a new software partner. Furthermore, we reveal insights from our experience with transitioning, and key steps in minimizing the disruption to your business.

Understanding why businesses switch software development teams

Quite often, there is not one single reason that pushes companies to choose different software development partners. It might be a combination of factors that cannot be resolved between the parties and make the decision to let go of the old and find a new one the only possible. Below are the most common causes we have discussed with clients that have switched to us as their new software development team.

When client and software partner goals diverge

For example, the client decides that they want to expand exponentially, and the supplier cannot address their development needs. In a different situation, the supplier decides they would like to focus only on clients from a particular sector. All businesses evolve and it is okay if you or your partner change direction. You just need to address it properly and may need to partner with a top software development firm that aligns better with your evolving strategy.

When your software partner can't keep up

Your current software development partner may not have the skills or expertise needed to complete your project. This can lead to delays and increased costs. As technology evolves, you might need a different set of skills. For example, if you need to integrate your software with new technologies like artificial intelligence, however, your current partner lacks expertise in this domain. In this case, the company might decide to switch from a partner that just has a few positions to one that can cover the whole development cycle.

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When responses drag and dialogues falter

In that case, the company might decide to switch to a partner that is in a closer time zone or shows dedication by proposing daily sync-ups and updates. Many businesses prefer to work with software consultants located within the European Union as it is easier to travel there, and apart from the time zone, the software partners are also closer in cultural similarities. The right software development team will understand the importance of timely and effective communication, ensuring that your project stays on track.

If your software development partner is not meeting deadlines, it can cause your project to fall behind schedule and negatively impact your business. This can be due to a lack of planning, poor resource allocation, or a lack of accountability on the part of the software development partner. Whatever the reason, it affects trust and you had better reconsider your options sooner rather than later. Partnering with a top software development firm can help mitigate these risks, as they often have robust project management processes in place.

When crisis management fails

In this case, companies switch to partners that offer hierarchical transparency, dedicated manager, and team. For example, at Accedia we have dedicated Engineering Managers that respond to any queries and manage the communication and progress of the different tasks. This level of organization and accountability is a hallmark of a top software development firm, ensuring that your projects are handled with the utmost professionalism and care.

When your software development lacks excellence

Most often than not, the team is made up of developers that cannot really communicate properly the obstacles and that considerably slows down the development process. In that case, companies might decide to switch to a software development partner that offers a team of software consultants whose job is to study the whole business organization inside-out to be able to bring a fresh perspective that will change the business in a positive direction.

When you are faced with unjustified costs

Balancing the budget in software development partnerships is crucial, especially when high costs are not matched with high value. Often, companies face issues with software development partners who only meet the minimum requirements, leading to increased long-term costs. This can manifest in several ways, such as reliance on temporary fixes, inefficient resource utilization, lack of scalable solutions, and limited technological expertise. These practices, while seemingly cost-effective in the short term, can result in a cycle of continuous expenses without delivering proportional value.

7 effective strategies for changing your software development partner

Switching to a new software development partner can be a significant decision. Here's an expanded guide with specific steps to ensure a smooth and informed transition:

Identify the need for change

Start by pinpointing exactly why a new software development partner is needed. Is it due to missed deadlines, lack of technical expertise, or poor communication? Understanding these reasons helps in selecting a partner that better aligns with your business objectives. For instance, if your current partner struggles with advanced technologies, look for a top software development firm specializing in those areas. Inform your current partner about these issues; they might step up their game or offer alternative solutions.

Communicate clearly with your current partner

Maintain open communication with your current software development team. Let them know about your decision and the reasons behind it. This conversation might reveal unknown challenges they're facing, like resource constraints or misunderstandings about project goals. Such discussions can make the transition smoother and maintain a positive relationship, potentially beneficial for future collaborations.

Involve your current software development team

Include your internal team in the transition process. Their insights can be invaluable, as they are familiar with the project's ins and outs. For example, your tech team can highlight specific technical capabilities that the new software development partner should have. Involving your team early also prepares them for the upcoming changes, ensuring a smoother adaptation to the new working style.

Scrutinize all transition details

A detailed plan is crucial for a successful transition. This should cover everything from data transfer protocols to timelines. For example, create a comprehensive data migration plan that ensures no data loss and minimal downtime. Knowledge transfer sessions should be organized between your current and new software development partners. Record these sessions for future reference and to help new team members catch up quickly.

Set clear expectations with your new partner

When engaging with a new software development firm, define your expectations clearly. Discuss your project's scope, deadlines, communication frequency, and any unique requirements. For instance, if weekly updates are crucial for you, make this clear from the start. This upfront clarity helps in building a transparent and effective working relationship.

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Assessing cost-benefit dynamics

Understand all the financial aspects of changing your software development partner. Compare the costs and benefits of the new partnership. Will the new firm bring more efficiency or innovation that justifies the transition cost? Sometimes, a higher initial investment in a top software development team can lead to significant long-term savings and improved software quality.

Be patient with the transition time

Finally, be prepared for the transition to take some time. It's not just about replacing a vendor but integrating a new team into your project's ecosystem. This process might involve onboarding, knowledge transfer, and initial slower progress as the new team gets up to speed. Remember, a thorough and patient transition often leads to a more fruitful partnership in the long run.

Maximizing success post-software development partner transition

After you've transitioned to a new software development partner, setting the stage for a successful partnership is crucial. Here are some key steps to consider, integrated with your specified keywords:

Implement regular progress reviews 

Establish frequent check-ins with your new software development team from the outset. These sync-ups help align goals, quality standards, and deadlines, ensuring everyone is on the same page. This practice not only eases the transition for both your team and the software development partner but also fosters an environment conducive to innovation.

Cultivate a strong relationship with your new partner

Building a positive relationship with your new software development firm is essential. Maintain open communication, provide constructive feedback, and address their concerns promptly. A strong, collaborative relationship is key to resolving issues swiftly and ensuring the partnership's success.

Explore growth opportunities

With your new partner, actively seek opportunities for business growth. Discuss potential future projects, explore innovative technologies, and consider new services that could benefit your business. This proactive approach can open doors to exciting collaborations and advancements.

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Document the transition process

Record the steps, decisions, and outcomes of the transition process. This documentation serves as a valuable reference for future transitions and helps identify areas for improvement. It's a practical way to capture learnings and insights gained during the switch to your new software development team.

By adopting these strategies, you can foster a fruitful partnership with your new software development partner, ensuring minimal disruption and long-term satisfaction. Continual evaluation and adaptation are key to leveraging the full potential of your software development collaboration.

Navigating partner transition: Insights from Accedia

At Accedia, we've gained substantial experience in assisting businesses transition from their previous software development partners. Our approach varies with each client, but our focus remains consistent: understanding the reasons for the transition, addressing client pain points, and tailoring our services to better meet their development needs. Involving both the outgoing and incoming software development teams in the transition process has proven to be most effective.

Accedia’s approach to seamless transitions

Typically, we propose a transition period, often around three months, depending on the project's size and scope. This period involves detailed planning and coordination with all project stakeholders. We emphasize continuous communication with the former vendor, arranging meetings across corresponding teams like UI/UX, engineering, and consultancy for comprehensive knowledge and data transfer. For instance, our engineers conduct paired programming sessions with their counterparts, ensuring a smooth handover.

Global corporate firm's smooth transition to Accedia

A notable example involved a global corporate advisory firm that transitioned to Accedia following a recommendation from their previous Bulgarian vendor, who was refocusing on the health sector. This instance demonstrates the professional goodwill that can exist between software development firms. The transition was a collaborative effort, including joint sessions to discuss business logic and quality assurance procedures. We meticulously recorded these sessions to facilitate future onboarding of additional consultants, ensuring minimal disruption for the client. The result was a win-win: the outgoing partner could pivot to their new focus, the client received a seamless transition with continued project momentum, and Accedia welcomed a new long-term partnership.

International hotel chain Partners with Accedia for niche expertise

In another scenario, a leading international hotel chain shifted from an Indian-based software partner to Accedia. The key factors were our location in Europe and specific consultancy skills. Although the previous partner was involved later in the process, we ensured thorough knowledge and data transfer. Our focus was on deeply understanding the client’s business, requirements, and expectations of working with a European firm. The transition has been successful, with the hotel chain entrusting us with additional projects, including system migrations to different cloud providers.

Final thoughts on software development partner transition

Changing software development partners is a significant decision. The essence of a smooth transition lies in open, effective communication. Through careful planning, engaging with your current partner, exploring new options, setting clear expectations, and keeping your team in the loop, disruptions can be minimized. A well-executed transition leads to a partnership more aligned with your business needs.

For anyone considering a transition, our team at Accedia is just a call or an email away, ready to discuss and facilitate your move to a new software development partnership.

  • Author

    Tereza Denkova

    Tereza is a Marketing Associate at Accedia, with a key role of communicating business opportunities driven by tailored software innovations. Passionate about everything digital, avid baker and recent world explorer.