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The finance industry has been embracing the ongoing digital disruption and is experiencing significant technology-led changes. See how we enable companies in finance with our custom software development services.  Leverage technology to get more intelligent about consumer needs and stay competitive against new market players.

industry challenges

Classic financial organizations are experiencing a multitude of challenges driven by the need for sustainable transition into the digital age. On one side, there are augmented customer requirements that legacy IT solutions cannot meet, new regulations calling for adjustment in processes, or disruptive players who bring unforeseen competition.

At the same time, IT stakeholders at financial organizations dispose of multiple digital opportunities to better engage customers. Whether developing new products or channels, improving performance of existing IT operations or migrating away from obsolete technology, we can offer you custom software development services tailored to your needs. 

Discuss your objectives with our team to obtain practical advice on your future-proof, sustainable transformation. 

our clients

The versatility of our experience allows us to work with leading SMEs and large international enterprises, occupied across various fields in Finance. Read what they say about the challenges we have helped them solve, and the experience of outsourcing software development to Accedia. 

Projects in finance

want to learn more?

Discover additional content materials, carefully curated to give you a better picture of our industry experience with organizations in finance worldwide!

AI in Finance: Advantages, Use Cases, and Challenges

We will explore the key benefits of AI in Finance, the most innovative use cases, as well as the main challenges and how to address them.

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Penetration Testing in the Finance Industry: A how-to guide

Table of Contents As the world continues to become more digitized, the financial industry is at a higher risk of cyber attacks than ever before. Financial institutions are particularly vulnerable targets for cybercriminals, due to the sensitive information they hold and the high value of their assets. According to a report by Accenture, financial services

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Machine Learning Revolution in Finance

Uncover the transformative power of Machine Learning and data-driven approaches in the finance sector. Request case study.

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Machine Learning for Analyzing Unstructured Data in Finance

The future of financial services hinges on the ability to extract value from unstructured data. Although banks, financial institutions, and capital markets participants are striving to innovate and adapt to the demands of digital transformation, many are not effectively leveraging the insights that can be gleaned from unstructured data spread across their organizations.

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15 Exciting Applications Of AI In Popular Industries

Discover how AI is revolutionizing different sectors from healthcare to finance with these 15 exciting applications discussed in this post!

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Where Finance meets Technology

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