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Digital transformation in Manufacturing & Utilities

Accedia is a strategic innovation partner of startups and established companies in manufacturing, construction & utilities in Switzerland, Germany and France.
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AWS regions costs and availability zones

When setting up AWS, one of the first decisions you must make is to choose a region. Discover all factors that go into selecting features as not all regions are the same.
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Practicing Lykke at work

Many might think that a person is either happy with their job or not, but a few would agree that happiness is a process. Inspired by the “Little book of Lykke” by Mike Wiking, our team at Accedia decided to investigate what makes a happy workplace and share ideas for practicing lykke.
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DevOps: efficient application delivery

Hiding endless challenges, the end-to-end dev cycle involves a number of moving parts that must fit together perfectly to make a working product. Read about the DevOps practices and tools that have proved to be immensely helpful in delivering stable and reliable software products.
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Innovation in outsourcing — a how-to checklist

A new era is waving at us - one where the concept of innovation created outside the enterprise doesn’t seem that daunting. Find out how you can speed up innovation realization in collaboration with a strategic partner.
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Entrepreneurship skills at a big company

Entrepreneurship is hard, requires time, skills and effort that not every person has and would like to dedicate. There are, however, other ways that can still bring you the joy of working on your own idea.
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Emotional and interpersonal intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence is the kind of emotional intelligence we have to use in a dynamic people-related work environment. Working on 4 main things related to interpersonal intelligence will lead to better understanding of the outer world and our inner selves.
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Blog post

Best practices for using Git

Git is considered today’s most popular tool for version control. How is Git different compared to SVN and how to use it effectively? We’ll walk you through the pros and cons of both version control systems and share the best practices for using Git.
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Blog post

Career in IT: a female perspective

Our female colleagues on the choice of career in IT and the experience of working in what is traditionally considered a male-dominated industry.
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