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The Revival of Accedia Tech Spotlight: React 18.0 and Beyond

On May 18th we resumed the exclusive invite-only event series Tech Spotlight uncovering the latest technology releases. This time over 50 Frontend Engineers gathered to discuss the topic React 18.0 and beyond.

One of our most experienced frontend-focused full-stack engineers – Nikolay Nikolov, was the speaker. He revealed what the latest major release has to offer and showcased some compelling upcoming features.

In the demo-focused presentation, Nikolay covered Micro Frontends, the exciting new improvements in React 18 as event batching, strict mode, useId(), useTransition, and useDeferredValue hooks, as well as the expected novelties in React 19. After that, an open discussion developed into a casual networking part.

To all those who attended the event – we hope you enjoyed it!

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