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Accedia is now a member of the App Association

We are excited to let you know that Accedia has just joined the ACT | The App Association! Based in Washington, the association gathers more than 5000 technology SMEs in each of the 435 congressional districts of the U.S. and all around the globe. ACT actively represents app makers and connected device companies and gives them voice in front of the European Union and the United States Congress. The association provides the opportunity for its members to meet policymakers and discuss relevant challenges related to а range of topics, including Internet of Things, connected health innovation, privacy, security and intellectual property.

As part of the App Association, Accedia will contribute to shaping an environment that enables technological progress and collective advancement in the mobile and cloud economy. The company is dedicated to helping address current matters in the IT industry and promoting the creation of innovative solutions by exchanging knowledge, ideas and experience with other experts across the world.

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