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Career in IT: a female perspective

In celebration of Women’s International Day, we’ve decided to ask our female colleagues about their choice of career and the experience of working in what is traditionally considered a male-dominated industry.

Women breaking down the stereotypes 

According to our team members, “there is no such thing as a male or female job” and gender stereotypes should be buried in the past. We absolutely agree that passion and ambition are the driving factors when it comes to making your mind about your career. Yet, how do you know a career in tech is right for you? Apparently, neither a background in math, nor the perks & benefits in the sector, are justification for the girls’ choice of career.

“I got acquainted with the IT profession about three years ago when I was exploring different fields of studies. I wanted to land a job that offered me unlimited opportunities whenever I go and one where my efforts are seen. For me, there is no greater satisfaction than being able to see the fruits of your hard work and this is exactly what keeps me on my toes.” – Mariya, Software Consultant

“I love the fact that it challenges me every day and holds my interest, that’s not something you can easily find in a job!” – Emiliya, Software Consultant

“I haven’t been aware that the IT world is so comprehensive until I became a part of it. You can probably compare it to physics – there never comes a time when you master it all.” – Gabriela, Senior Software Consultant

Whether it’s their first or second choice, there is one very common trait of women who choose to realize their potential in the IT sector – they like challenges. They are hungry for career growth and personal development, things that cannot be accomplished doing the same type of work every day. It is the ever-evolving nature of the sector and the variety of work that made our colleagues pursue a career in IT.

Challenges women face in their career in it

Every profession hides its challenges but what are some barriers that make women hold back from trying? Here are the top three challenges our colleagues have faced:
  • Gaining trust. Making the employer or client believe in your capabilities can sometimes be harder as a woman, as it’s been inculcated in our minds that men are better at programming for ages. Yet, our experience shows that the contentment of being able to prove yourself is worth it.
  • Letting sensitivity interfere. Women tend to take feedback more personally than men which can affect their productivity at work. On another hand, mulling over criticism can allow you see where the problem stems from and help you avoid making the same mistake twice.
  • Self-doubting. It’s in women’s nature to be timider than men and they often question their abilities of handling new tasks. As confidence is essential for prosperity, women should seek an environment where they feel empowered and a team that brings the best in them.

3 strengths women bring to the IT world

As men and women’s brains are wired differently, it is natural that they think differently and contribute to the business world with different strengths. Here are the three things our colleagues think they are better at than men:
  • Making the most of time. Most women are great time managers and get their priorities right. They devote time to organizing their daily tasks which is how they achieve efficiency in performance and never miss a thing.
  • Paying great attention to every detail. There is no doubt that women are more precise than men – a skill that greatly contributes to every project and minimalizes the risk of errors.
  • Taking on various responsibilities. It is typical for women to have their hands on several assignments at a time. This is mainly because, in comparison to men, who are slightly impulsive, women spend more time thinking and planning.

Final thoughts

Despite the low women-to-men ratio still being over emphasized, the number of women working in IT has been significantly growing during the past years. As a company where diversity is highly valued, we realize the important part it plays for shaping the future of not only technology but the business in general. With over 30% of our team members being women and 40% of our leadership comprised of ladies, we are proud to promote the female presence in the IT sector and hope to inspire more women to consider a career in IT.
Violeta is a Marketing Specialist at Accedia, promoting the value of developing software innovation. Social Media savvy, passionate about writing and traveling. If you’d like to learn more, get in touch via  LinkedIn.


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