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BLOG POST    10 June 2024


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Blog post

Which front-end framework to choose in 2019?

Which JavaScript framework should we choose? This blog post will review the 2 most used ones - Angular and React.js, as well as the trendiest one - Vue.js.
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Blog post

Sitefinity 12: Features Review, Part 1

As an Elite Progress Partner, our team was privileged to be part of the closed beta testing group for Sitefinity 12 and validate its release. Thus, having had a look behind the scenes, our team shares what’s new and introduce you to our favorite feature improvements for increasing productivity.
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Blog post

10 tips for starting a career as software engineer

I often seek ways to improve my productivity and improve code to be better at my job. More than two years into my career as a Software Consultant, I’ve learned a lot about how to avoid some of the most common mistakes less experienced developers make, and I wanted to share them with you.
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Blog post

Challenger vs Established Banks: Innovation maturity

Challenger banks, referred to as neobanks or financial start-ups internationally, are quickly winning customers in the UK, while traditional banks find it hard to make strategic investments in their digital advancement.
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Blog post

What does the office of the future look like?

Now that our new office is a reality, it is often referred to as “the office of the future” by the media. So, what are the standards of the modern office in a world where the nature of work is shifting all the time?
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Blog post

E-commerce mobile design: 7 killer improvement tips

Businesses should focus more on building user-friendly and responsive mobile versions of their web applications. They should aim at creating flawless UX, which lead to speeding the buyer’s journey. Do you agree?
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Blog post

Data handling in modern ReactJS development

The start of a greenfield project is a time when crucial decisions must be made. This can be quite the challenging task, especially if you are not that familiar with a certain technology. Therefore, this blog post intends to help you make the right architectural choice when it comes to utilizing ReactJS for your UI.
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Blog post

The Shortcut to enabling Hybrid Authentication in Azure

Implementing a secure authentication used to require deep understanding of security. Fortunately, the advancements of Microsoft Azure provide all necessary functions which allow you to spend more efforts and energy on providing business value to your customer.
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Blog post

Tech highlights of 2018 & choice of tech stack in 2019

As the IT industry evolves, new technologies climb up the ladder and others begin to fade and slowly lose their popularity. With so many innovators competing for a place under the spotlight, what constitutes a breakthrough technology?
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